Healthy Living
Since we have started this journey with Highland cattle as we approach our 7th decade of life, we need to do everything we can to stay healthy so we can enjoy our fold as long as possible. That means guarding against free radicals that cause aging in our bodies. . . Reduce free radicals, live longer and healthier. It’s that simple.
We love to eat home grown veggies from the garden whenever possible and have been known to still be picking tomatoes and green beans into December. Nancy freezes or cans garden veggies when there is a surplus. Sometimes competition from the farm fowl (and even the horses) can be a problem, so there will be a greenhouse in our future.
And now that we have our very own grass fed beef that has not been contaminated with growth hormones and antibiotics we’d feel safer eating a steak, but it will be a while before we can bring ourselves to do that. Meantime, we’ll eat healthy Highland beef that we buy from other breeders.
Removing chemicals from our environment is key to reducing free radicals. Many think our environment is outdoors, but the fact is we spend more of our time inside than out. To remove chemicals, you must become aware of the major exposures we have daily. Our laundry detergent and additives cling to our clothes and are worn right next to our skin constantly! Change brands . . . use a protein-based detergent and an oxygen-based whitener. Do you clean and sanitize with bleach? You are killing yourself slowly but surely. . . change brands! Use the power of Thyme oil to clean and sanitize. What about the soaps and shampoos you use daily? Do you know what is in them? Find products that are safe, save money, save the environment and save years of your life! Then get outside to exercise. . . walk, garden, do yard work, and whatever it takes. Save your gym membership money and get outside!
As we began to age, as many (most of us) have, we need to take a proactive approach to taking care of our health. We wanted to be sure we were getting all the right supplements to maintain our health without the added chemicals that are present in most over the counter supplements. The search for the best vitamins available really opened our eyes to the hazards and pitfalls of most supplements on the market. We have found the only vitamins that have been scientifically tested on human beings for their effectiveness (not once, but twice and then had data collected on how long it takes for the body to lose the benefits if you stop taking them). These vitamins are proven to reduce free radicals, lower heart rate and blood pressure and increase energy levels by monitoring blood work of the test group. We were even able to come off of some of the maintenance medications we’d been on for years as our blood work improved with each check up!
Since these vitamins are only available through a membership shopping club, we joined to take advantage of the member’s pricing (almost like wholesale) and were delighted to learn that this 34 year old company has over 500 products that contain NO CHEMICALS!!! Sales last year topped 2 billion dollars and they are growing faster every year. These Green products are made in the USA, work better than what we were using, are significantly less expensive, improve our environment and they can be ordered on line or over the phone AND they are delivered right to the house!
If you’re interested in learning more, send Nancy an email. It’s easy to become a member and try the products. I’ll be very surprised if you don’t love them as much as we do.