Highlands For Sale

Elm Hollow Farm offers top-quality AHCA registered Highland calves for sale throughout the year. At this time we have a fully-registered fold and are continuing to refine our breeding program. We will typically have several nice calves recently birthed, and on occasion offer proven AHCA registered cows and bulls for sale as we modify our program.

Available cattle are listed below.

Please sign up for our newsletter if you would like to get notifications when we have cattle available. We announce all sales here and in the newsletter and accept offers for 24 hours.

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Highland Cattle, Picture of a Cow Calf Pair With White and Grey Hair

Elm Hollow’s Nancy, AHCA # 68185

Our smallest heifer this year

Born on January 16, 2024, Nancy was Elm Hollow’s New Year’s baby. She only missed my birthdate by two days. Since 2024 is the “N” year for Highlands, I just had to name her after myself. She has had a bit of an attitude from the start, but during halter training, she became our little angel. We don’t measure the height of our cows or calves because we don’t ever claim to sell miniatures, but this girl is little!

Nancy is available with an opening bid of $6,500.

Update: Nancy sold for $8,600.

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Elm Hollow's Nancy heifer calf

Elm Hollow’s Nancy

Elm Hollow’s Muireag, AHCA # 68351

An excellent addition to any serious breeder’s fold.

Born on December 12, 2023, to one of our best cows, Muirneag 3rd of VH, this is our last pasture-bred heifer from BR Voodoo Magic. Muirneag is very feminine and is structurally correct with a straight topline, feet well formed, and body length/depth very well proportioned. As she has grown, Muirneag has developed such pretty highlights. She will be a moderately sized mature cow.

Muireag is available with an opening bid of $6,500.

Update: Muirneag sold for $7,800

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Manda at seven months with blond highlights

Elm Hollow’s Muireag

Big Ridge Callie, AHCA # 54244

An impact dam with many really nice calves ahead of her.

Callie is an excellent mother and has produced some wonderful calves. She achieved impact dam status with the birth of her fourth calf, Elm Hollow’s Journey, in 2020.

Callie’s classic, thick dossan is passed on to her offspring. And her body has the depth we all look for in a great productive cow.

Callie is available for $8,500.

Big Ridge Callie

Big Ridge Callie

Elm Hollow’s Manda, AHCA # 68154

A beautiful and gentle heifer from the Sunset line for your fold.

Born on the last day in November, 2023, Manda has been a cutie pie since day one. Manda’s heritage is heavy into the very desirable Sunset line. Manda is structurally correct, with a straight topline, feet well formed, and body depth is very well proportioned.

As she has grown, Manda has developed such pretty highlights! She will be a beauty when full grown. Manda will be a moderately sized mature cow.

Manda is available with an opening bid of $6,500.

Update: Manda sold for $8,100.

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Manda at seven months with blond highlights

Elm Hollow’s Manda

Elm Hollow’s Magnus, AHCA # pending

A great little steer for your calf or child.

Brindle is one of my favorite colors! Magnus inherited his stunning brindle color and his gentle nature from both his sire and dam. Born on Nov. 29, 2023, Magnus (meaning great) is aptly named. He truly is a great little steer. He would be a great 4H project steer or an excellent companion animal for a heifer, a bull, or another steer.

He gets along well with both Makenzie, whose sale is June 24, and with Manda, whose sale is June 26. Just like classmates in an elementary school, the calves within a halter class develop a bond as they comfort each other during the stressful time of leaving their mother and learning to trust humans for their needs.

Magnus is available with an opening bid of $2,500.

Update: Magnus sold for $2,500.

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Elm Hollow's Magnus highland steer calf

Elm Hollow’s Magnus

Elm Hollow’s Makenzie, AHCA # 68153

A gentle heifer to start or grow your fold.

Makenzie has been alert and playful since the minute she broke free of her mother’s body on November 8, 2023. We find that the feistier they are on day one, the sweeter they become during halter training. Makenzie’s dam is gentle, has wonderful maternal instincts, and is a structurally correct cow.

Makenzie would be a great first Highland for someone or make a wonderful addition to any fold. It appears that she will be a mid to smaller sized Highland and will be easy to handle.

Makenzie is available with an opening bid of $6,500.

Note: Makenzie sold for $9,250.

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EH Makenzie at seven months with her blond highlights

Elm Hollow’s Makenzie

Elm Hollow’s Mayflower, AHCA # pending

A beautiful heifer calf with all the right stuff.

Born on Thanksgiving day in 2023, an “M” name was needed for Elm Hollow’s second heifer of the season. Mayflower fit her perfectly. This girl and her half brother, Major, are such good friends that they share their mamas with each other!

Mayflower is a delightful heifer calf. She has all the right stuff as far as conformation to Highland standards and her temperament is sweet and easy going.

Mayflower is available with an opening bid of $7,000.

Update: Mayflower sold for $10,000.

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Elm Hollow's Mayflower highland heifer calf

Elm Hollow’s Mayflower

Elm Hollow’s Major, AHCA # pending

A perfect companion steer for your calf or child.

There are some calves that you know from day one will be outstanding examples of the Highland breed. Major is one of those calves. Born on Veteran’s Day, 2023 he needed an “M” name, so Major was the perfect fit.

If you’re building a Highland fold and want a quality steer companion that you can safely enter the pasture with, Major is your man. If you’re looking for an easy-to-handle 4H project for your child, Major is your man. I can’t say enough good things about this calf.

Major is available with an opening bid of $2,500.

Update: Major sold for $3,000.

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Elm Hollow's Major highland steer

Elm Hollow’s Major

Elm Hollow’s Levi, AHCA # 66243

A two-year-old bull for a young herd sire.

This fantastic little bull, sired by Windkist Acres Clyde was born on 4/17/2022 and will be celebrating his second birthday this month! Levi was reserve champion of his division at the Southeast Highland Cattle show in 2022 at just six months old! With his dun coloring, he can produce calves of every color. Levi has been with some of our girls since January, and he has done an outstanding job. Levi likes to talk, loves to be groomed, and will make a great young herd sire.

Levi is available for $4,000.

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Elm Hollow's Levi bull calf

Elm Hollow’s Levi

Elm Hollow’s Murdoc, AHCA # 66243

A yearling bull calf to bring color and outstanding conformation to your fold.

We could see it when Murdoc was a tiny calf at his mother’s side.  He just got better every day! He was inky black at birth, brown at two months, and is currently black with blond highlights. His adult color will be black, but he will be able to produce a variety of color in his offspring. He’ll also pass on his beautiful conformation.

Elm Hollow's Murdock with his dam
Elm Hollow's Murdoc at 2 months

At the age of 12 months, this fellow is eager to please the ladies, but he needs another season to grow so he can reach the girls.  His dam, LEA Never Enough, AHCA # 57377, is a beautiful cow how has become one of our favorite girls. His sire is Big Ridge Fergus, AHCA # 57487,  Son of MacDonald of Esk, whose sire and dam are from Scotland.  Fergus has such a gentle temperament that I just had to stop and give him chin scratches every time I walked by.  He loves attention and is the gentlest of souls.

Murdoc is available for $4,000.

Update: Murdoc sold for $4,000.

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Elm Hollow's Murdoc Scottish Highland Bull

Elm Hollow’s Murdoc

Elm Hollow’s Louis, AHCA # U16036

A great companion to a heifer, bull, or steer.

Louis is the gentlest soul we have in our halter class this year. On day three of class he was ready for cuddles. He has a good friend, Leon, and the two of them would be a great pair of pasture pets

Louis has been easy to work with from the start and he walks on a lead like he’s done it all his life. He’ll be a great companion for a heifer, bull or another steer. Since he and Leon are pasture pals here, their adjustment would be easier if they were together. For that reason, they will be sold as a pair.

Louis and Leon sold for $4,500.

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Elm Hollow's Lizzy at halter training

Elm Hollow’s Louis

Elm Hollow’s Leon Dubh, AHCA # U16030

A great companion to a heifer, bull, or steer.

Leon is another favorite in halter class this year. He was never a fighter and allowed me to groom him all over on day one of class. His good friend, Louis is never far away and the two would be a great pair of pasture pets. Leon will be a great companion to a heifer, bull or another steer.

Leon is easy to lead, especially if he has seen Louis head out ahead of him. He’ll be a great companion for a heifer, bull or another steer. Since he and Louis are pasture pals here, their adjustment would be easier if they were together. For that reason, they will be sold together.

Leon and Louis sold for $4,500.

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Elm Hollow's Leon highland bull calf

Elm Hollow’s Leon

Elm Hollow’s Dubh Lennox, AHCA # 66372

Our last Magic bull calf

Lennox would be a nice young bull for a small farm. His dam and grand dam are impact dams, and his great granddam is an elite impact dam. Also, two of his great sires are impact sires. Lennox promises to be a very productive bull. Although he promises a bright future, there is another black bull calf in his class who is unrelated to any of our cows or heifers that we are keeping here on the farm.

Both his sire and his dam have excellent, gentle temperaments that have obviously been passed on to Lennox. His halter training has gone smoothly and he enjoys being brushed. Lennox is quick to relax when he is tied, he leads without resistance, and accepts the halter with no fuss.

Lennox sold for $3,000.

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Elm Hollow's Lennox

Elm Hollow’s Dubh Lennox

TWINS!!! Elm Hollow’s Too Too Lucky, AHCA # U16031, and Elm Hollow’s Lavanya AHCA # 64780

A small steer and heifer available as a pair.

Elm Hollow Farm does not raise mini cows, however, sometimes a circumstance does arise that produces a surprisingly small Highland. It has happened 3 times here, but this is the tiniest cow we’ve ever had. When a 14 year old cow produces a set of twins, I guess there just are not enough cells to build normal size babies. Aparently healthy in every way, these two calves have made it through halter training, been examined by our vet, and vaccinated so they will stay healthy.

When the twins are in the pasture, they socialize with other calves. Lavanya is more apt to hang out with the larger calves than Lucky is. He seems to be a bit intimidated by the larger calves even though I’ve never seen them pick on him. During halter training, we make sure the twins are together and both of them seem to be calmed by the other’s presence. For that reason we feel that they should stay together and they are being offered for sale on Cowmatch.com. The price is $8,000 for the pair on Cowmatch.com and directly from our farm.

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Elm Hollow's Too Too Lucky and Lavanya twin highland calves

Elm Hollow’s Too Too Lucky (left) and Elm Hollow’s Lavanya.

Elm Hollow’s Laredo, AHCA # U16038

A great companion or beef herd sire.

Laredo was gentle from the start of halter training, even as part of a large class. Laredo is one of the larger calves from this year and would be an easy-to-handle bull for a beef herd, or a sweet pasture ornament/pet/companion for someone who just wants to see a Highland when they go to the fence.

As a steer, Laredo can be a companion animal to a heifer, bull or another steer. I always recommend that if you want a pet, choose a steer. They are more even tempered because there are no hormone swings to deal with. When a cow is in heat, she can get cranky, and a bull can get obstinate when he detects love the air anywhere in the neighborhood. Laredo is gentle with the other calves

Laredo is available for $2,500.

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Elm Hollow's Laredo Highland Bull Calf

Elm Hollow’s Laredo

Elm Hollow’s Leige Dearg, AHCA # U16037

A terrific companion for any lonely calf in your fold.

Although Leige is turning into quite a handsome boy, we follow the science here and weigh and measure our bull calves to see if they would be good sires. We are pretty picky and look for any flaw that might be passed on to offspring as well. We found no flaws in this handsome boy, but compared to the other bull calves this year, he didn’t gain quite as fast. He seems to be catching up now, but we will make him a steer if no one is in the market for an 8 month old bull calf.

As a steer, he’ll make a terrific companion for any lonely calf in your fold and I’m betting that if you’ve ever had that crazy desire to train a Highland to pull a cart or wanted to try your hand at riding a cow, he might be up for that!  Or keep him intact for a good deal on a bull calf from Magic. He can remain intact if you act before August 1, 2023.

Leige is available for $2,500.

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Elm Hollow's Leige Dearg highland bull calf

Elm Hollow’s Leige Dearg

Elm Hollow’s Liberty, AHCA # 64,799

A sweet heifer with a bright future!

This year’s first heifer was born on Veteran’s day, so we chose Liberty as her name.

From the day she was born, Liberty was a pretty girl just like her beautiful mother, Ban Diuc of Legacy. During her halter training, we discovered her sweet personality that is also like her mother’s.

This darling, feminine heifer has many years of beautiful calves ahead of her. At eight months old, Liberty is halter trained and current on vaccinations.

Liberty is available for $6,000.

NOTE: If a buyer purchases both Loretta and Liberty together, I will give a 5% discount for keeping them together.  That’s a $600 discount!

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Elm Hollow's Liberty heifer calf at 4.5 months

Elm Hollow’s Liberty

Elm Hollow’s Lizzy, AHCA # 64,782

A future lead cow for a developing fold.

Lizzy was born December 4, 2022. She was a really stunning heifer from the very beginning. Now that she is beginning to mature you can see her level topline. Lizzy has a deep body and is maturing more quickly than some of our other girls.

Lizzy has a gentle temper with people, but she is displaying leadership skills in the calf pasture. I believe she will be a great lead cow for a developing fold.

Lizzy walks well on a lead and is calm in class. She enjoys being groomed and if I had the time and the desire to train one of this year’s calves for the show ring, I would choose Lizzy!

Lizzy is available for $6,500.

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Elm Hollow's Lizzy at halter training

Elm Hollow’s Lizzy

Elm Hollow’s Loretta, AHCA # 64,781

A beautiful heifer to bring strength to your genetic pool!

Elm Hollow’s Loretta was the second heifer born on Elm Hollow Farm this season.

Loretta’s dam, WKA Annie Get Your Gun, handily reached the status of impact dam, which means that she has produced four calves in four years after having her first calf at least by the time she reached maturity at 3 years and 4 months. This high level of fertility is often passed to offspring, so it is likely that Loretta has many years of beautiful calves ahead of her.

At seven months old, Loretta is halter trained and current on vaccinations. We use the modified live virus program at Elm Hollow Farm, recommended as the safest by most veterinarians.

Loretta is available for $6,000.

NOTE: If a buyer purchases both Loretta and Liberty together, I will give a 5% discount for keeping them together.  That’s a $600 discount!

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Elm Hollow's Loretta at 7 months

Elm Hollow’s Loretta

Pae’s Quince’s Fozzie Girl, AHCA # 59011

A beautiful 4-year-old yellow cow with a big set of horns!

Fozzie is quick to come right up and take treats from your hand. Even though Fozzie was not halter trained as a calf, she’s curious and wants to sniff your hand or the brush.

Fozzie had a really nice calf in October 2021 and she was an excellent mother. Unfortunately, she lost her calf this year during the three-day polar blast when we lost two calves.

She is bred back to WKA Braxton, AHCA # 59691 for a fall calf this year.Pregnancy will be vet confirmed before finalizing the sale.

Fozzie’s Girl is available for an opening bid of $6,500.

Update: Fozzie Girl sold for $7,000.

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Pae's Quince's Fozzie Girl yellow highland cow

Pae’s Quince’s Fozzie Girl

LiTerra Nadia, AHCA # 55217

LiTerra Nadia, AHCA # 55217, is a stunning, 8-year-old brindle cow who has served as matriarch at Elm Hollow Farm with Voodoo Magic as her alpha male. The problem is that we are in the process of semi-retiring Magic and Nadia has no interest in working with our current bull, WKA Braxton. Braxton brought a couple of pretty ladies when he moved to Elm Hollow, and it seems he wants to pick his own alpha female matriarch. Since there isn’t room for two, Nadia is looking for a fold of her own to lead.

She is bred back to WKA Braxton, AHCA # 59691 for a fall calf this year. I’d really love to see the calf from this union of two beautiful brindles. Pregnancy will be vet confirmed before finalizing sale.

Nadia is not a beginner cow. She loves grain and while this makes it very easy to move her from place to place and to load her into a trailer, she can become over exuberant at times. Nadia pays attention to verbal commands and gestures, and although she was halter trained as a calf, she has not been haltered in several years since she is easily led with a bucket of grain.

Nadia is available for an opening bid of $7,000.

Update: Nadia is sold.

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LiTerra Nadia Highland cow face

LiTerra Nadia

Elm Hollow’s Jolene

I’d planned on keeping Jolene and her long-time pasture mate Jewel. Of course, I plan on keeping every calf or cow that sets a hoof on Elm Hollow Farm. The reality is that I must be reasonable about the number we can sustain.

When a really special young cow loves individual attention, it is in her best interest to be a part of a smaller, more personal fold. Jolene is one of those very special girls.

From the day she was born, Jolene was a pretty girl just like her beautiful mother, Big Ridge Abigail. During her halter training, we discovered her sweet personality, which is also like her mother’s.

Jolene’s sire is BR Voodoo Magic, AHCA # 51522. Her dam is BR Abigail, AHCA # 57492.

Jolene is available for an opening bid of $6,500.

Update: Jolene sold for $6,500.

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Elm Hollow's Jolene Highland Heifer at six months

Elm Hollow’s Jewel

Elm Hollow’s Jewel, AHCA # 61317

Elm Hollow’s Jewel is a true gem! Jewel is a 2.5 year old bred heifer that I dearly love and did not think I would ever part with. She is friendly, easy going, and loves to be pampered.

Her sire is Big Ridge Fergus, AHCA # 57487.

Her dam, EH Gracie, AHCA # 57754, is the daughter of Elm Hollow’s first impact dam, LiTerra Adalida, AHCA # 55421, so Jewel is our first third-generation calf to be born here.

Jewel is up to date on vaccinations, tattooed according to AHCA standard for her registration, and halter trained to stand and lead. Halter training for Jewel was a breeze because she was eager to please as she learned to stand quietly when tied, relax and lay down, and lead to a new location. This training came in handy when at age 2 we decided to take our first cows into the show ring.

Jewel is bred to WKA Braxton, for a fall calf.

Jewel is available for an opening bid of $6,000.

Update: Jewel sold for $9,825.

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Elm Hollow's Jewel at the show

Elm Hollow’s Jewel

Seamrag of Legacy, AHCA # 62449

I’d planned on keeping Seamrag. We call her Shamrock because Seamrag is Gaelic for Shamrock. I was delighted when Shamrock arrived as a calf at her mother’s side because I really wanted a dun heifer. Shamrock is beautiful and has an outstanding genetic background.

As she grew and was halter trained, I was surer than ever that this was the exact addition to Elm Hollow Farm that I’d been looking for. I had let three other dun heifers her age go and was kicking myself for not saving one of them for our program, so here was just what I wanted.

Earlier this year, a former buyer contacted me to ask for help in rehoming the three heifers she had purchased from Elm Hollow because her life had changed and she had to move to the city. I was excited to have the opportunity to buy back one of the dun heifers I’d let go. She and Shamrock looked almost like identical twins, but because her name begins with ELM HOLLOW’S and we are working towards our dams carrying the Elm Hollow name, I decided to let Shamrock go. I know I’ll regret doing it!

Although it has been a while since Shamrock was halter trained, with a bowl of grain as a bribe, it was a simple matter to get her halter. She still enjoys a good brushing, and the sun brings out her true color.

Shamrock’s dam is Twisty, Keaira2nd of Legacy, AHCA # 58750. Shamrock’s sire is Big Ridge Derry, # 54724.

For all of you looking for a quality, well-bred heifer that will be ready for fall breeding, Shamrock would be ideal. She has many years of beautiful calves ahead of her. Shamrock is two years and two months old. She is not bred and probably should not be bred for at least another 6 months when she will be a little more mature.

Shamrock is available for an opening bid of $5,000.

 Update: Shamrock sold for $7,350.

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Seamrag of Legacy dun Highland heifer brushed and beautiful

Seamrag of Legacy, aka Shamrock.

EH Adalida’s Hope, AHCA # 59790, and Lieutenant

Hope is a young proven cow with many years of beautiful calves ahead of her and a bull calf by her side. Hope delivered our first calf of the season this year, Elm Hollow’s Lieutenant. Hope did a fabulous job as a first time mother. I’m sure she had guidance from her own mother, LiTerra Adalida, who was Elm Hollow’s first impact dam. Hope was so proud of her boy and had that little fellow up and nursing as fast as any of our experienced cows.

Hope was raised here at Elm Hollow and halter trained as a calf. She will still allow haltering and leading in the pasture if you bribe her with a little bowl of grain. Lieutenant is curious and people friendly, but he has not gone through halter training. Lieutenant is in the process of registration and I will complete his registration and transfer into the name of his new owner. (It may take several weeks to complete since DNA testing is required to register a bull.) Lieutenant’s sire is Elm Hollow’s Jaunty Lad, and he is showing great potential as a bull.

Hope is keeping company with WKA Braxton right now and will remain with him until her new owner comes to pick her up. The odds of her being bred are excellent since she was our first cow bred last year! Hope’s dam, LiTerra Adalida, was Elm Hollow’s first impact dam and it looks like Hope plans to follow in those footsteps.

For the many who have contacted me about getting started with quality, registered cows, this is an opportunity to purchase a young proven cow with many years of beautiful calves ahead of her. She will not need a companion for quite a while since she will have her calf at side. Lieutenant has a very strong genetic background that you can retain for future cows or sell at a later date to defray the cost of this purchase.

Hope and Lieutenant are available for an opening bid of $6,000.

Update: Hope and Lieutenant sold for $8,500.

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Adelina's Hope Highland Cow with bull calf

Adalida’s Hope with Lieutenant.

GAM Emma Jane

GAM Emma Jane, AHCA # 58573, is our tiniest cow, standing only 42” at the hip. She is also extremely people friendly. Emma’s small stature does not mean she is a mini cow. Emma is a full-blooded, registered Highland with strong genetics.

She is small because she was bred for the first time at a very young age. Emma was just 2 years old when she delivered her first calf with no assistance, and she took perfect care of him too! He was small, but healthy and feisty. Emma is now 5.5 years old and she has given us two more calves, both heifers! Janie was tiny like her mom. Karisma has grown into a beautiful medium-framed heifer.

Emma has been pasture exposed to WKA Braxton, AHCA # 59691, son of Sunset Double Take, who was delighted to be of service to Emma.

For the many who have contacted me about smaller sized Highlands, this is our smallest. Emma is perfect in every way. If you look at the standards for Highland cattle and compare Emma to those standards, you will see that she does indeed measure up.

Emma is available for an opening bid of $6,000.

Update: Emma sold for $9,200.

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GAM Emma Jane small Highland cow

GAM Emma Jane, AHCA # 58573

Windkist Acres Lucca

WKA Lucca, AHCA # 64738, has been a sweetheart from the start. He has come to me for treats since he first met me. We’ve started halter training and he is doing quite well with that also.

A gentle bull is important and the temperament of both Lucca’s sire and dam is just wonderful, as is his genetic background.

Lucca will bring color variety and outstanding conformation to your fold. At the tender age of 9 months, this fellow is eager to please the ladies, but he needs another season to grow so he can reach the girls. LOL

Lucca is available for $3,000.

Click the button for more information about Lucca, his lineage, more pictures, or to make an offer.

Update: Lucca sold for $3,000.

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WKA Lucca Highland Bull Calf

Keaira of Legacy and Keaira2nd of Legacy

Because we’ve kept several of our heifer calves from last year and the year before, it is time to make some tough decisions about which cows stay and which cows move on to make room for the new heifers. I’ll probably regret this one… Keaira and Keaira2nd  are mother and daughter, so have been together since the day Keaira2nd was born.

Keaira of Legacy, AHCA # 53960, is 8 years old. DOB 11/12/14. Keaira will come right up to you in the pasture and lower her head because she just loves to have her head scratched right behind her horns. She will stand for brushing and seems to really enjoy the attention.

Keaira2nd of Legacy, AHCA # 58750, is 5 years old. DOB 03/23/18. Known to us as Twisty, her crooked horn is not genetic, she just got it caught and broken as a calf so it turned down instead of up.

They have both produced some beautiful calves. See the photos in their profile page. Both cows have been keeping company with WKA Braxton for the past two months and were eager to be his best girl, so they will sell as pasture exposed.

This pair of quality, registered cows presents an opportunity to begin a really nice fold.

Keaira and Twisty are available with an opening bid of $10,000 for the pair.

Click the button for more information about Keaira and Twisty, their lineage, more pictures, or to make an offer.

Update: Keaira and Twisty sold for $21,004.00.

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Keaira of Legacy Highland cow in pasture

Keaira of Legacy

Keaira2nd of Legacy Highland cow in front of barn

Keaira2nd of Legacy (aka Twisty)

Darcy’s Magic Lady

This girl is very special to us at Elm Hollow Farm. She is our first linebred heifer. This wasn’t planned, but the results are just delightful. When we moved all our bred cows to one pasture with BR Voodoo Magic in for “clean up” duty, we were sure that all of his daughters had already been settled by other bulls. It seems that was not the case. Very late in the season, on January 23, 2022, Darcy presented us with this beautiful baby.

I fell in love with Lady that very day. As I watched her grow, I realized that she had inherited a package of almost perfect conformation qualities, which is one of the goals of line breeding, and it has made me want to try line breeding again! She is the full package and sassy to boot. When we first pulled Lady for weaning and halter training, she was a real spitfire! She will be fully trained to stand and lead before she leaves for your farm.

Lady is available with an opening bid of $4,500.

Click the button for more information about Lady, her lineage, more pictures, or to make an offer.

Update: Lady sold for $7000.

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Elm Hollow Karisma heifer calf starting halter training


Karisma earned her name as a very young calf. She seemed to long for a runway to strut down so she could nod her head to the thunderous appaluse of her adoring fans. Born on December 9, 2021, this little girl immediately took over as the sweetheart of the pasture.

I loved her tiny white spot that appeared on her right hip. It was a fashion statement for sure, and hopefully a hint that she will finish much lighter than she appeared as a very young calf. Already, lighter areas have formed around her eyes and around her nose. There is a possibility that she will finish silver.

Karisma boasts some well-known genetics in her background, including MacDonald of Esk, Sunset Rebel Yell, Muirneag of Vintage Hill, and Urras Achnacloich of Scotland. Just look at that perfect top line, her correct leg angles, her deep body and know that this one could be a showstopper!

Karisma is available with an opening bid of $5,500.

Click the button for more information about Karisma, her lineage, more pictures, or to make an offer.

Update: Karisma sold for $6,900.

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Elm Hollow Karisma heifer calf starting halter training

Knockout Punch

Knockout was born on the first day of December 2021. His dam, CSF Honeysuckle, ACHA # 57529, was the beautiful blond that caused me to bid on a cow at the national show and sale, in spite of the fact that we had flown into Denver and had absolutely no way to get her home to Tennessee. She has given us some wonderful calves, and Knockout is one of them.

Knockout was a looker by the time he was 4 months old and we really debated keeping him for our own, especially when we started working with him on the halter and discovered his gentle temperament. On graduation day from halter training, Knockout seemed to be strutting around trying to impress the other calves with his prowess. He even tried his bull voice when he went back out to join the other calves!! At 8 months, he seems to be cozying up to the girls and mimicking his sire’s twitchy nose face. He thinks it is time already!

Knockout Punch is available with an opening bid of $3,500.

Click the button for more information about Knockout, his lineage, more pictures, or to make an offer.

Update: Knockout sold for $3,500.

Image of Ink Stamp of The Word Sold
Elm Hollow's Knockout Punch Highland bull calf at six months


Katherine was born on December 21, 2021, to LEA Nocturne, AHCA # 56653, one of our most beautiful, correct, and gentle tempered cows. Katherine copies her mother in conformation, temperament, and color.

Katherine is one of those heifers that makes it very hard to even consider parting with her. From the first day of halter training, Katherine has been easy to work with. She never was one to kick or be skittish, but welcomed the human touch from the start.

Katherine inherited the best from both her beautiful dam, LEA Nocturne, and her handsome sire, our Big Ridge Voodoo Magic, AHCA # 51522. I love the results of this combination and these two will remain a couple for years to come!

Katherine is available with an opening bid of $5,500.

Click the button for more information about Katherine, herlineage, more pictures, or to make an offer.

Update: Katherine sold for $11,200.

Image of Ink Stamp of The Word Sold
Elm Hollow's Katherine Highland Heifer calf at halter class


Kassidy was born on November 1, 2021, to WKA Annie Get Your Gun, AHCA # 56824. She is spunky and that beautiful deep red that brings to mind pictures of the Scottish Highlands.

This pretty heifer has a deep red coat with light frosting down her neck and back. She gets prettier every day. Yesterday (June 28, 2022) she decided to strike a pose for me, which is the photo on the right.

Kassidy’s sire, Big Ridge Fergus, AHCA # 57487, was also sired by a bull that is a direct Scottish import. If you want true Scottish genetics, you’ll find them here.

Kassidy has the depth of body we all look for in a heifer and she just gets better as she grows!

Kassidy is available with an opening bid of $4,000.

Click the button for more information about Kassidy, her lineage, more pictures, or to make an offer.

Update: Kassidy sold for $5,700.

Image of Ink Stamp of The Word Sold
Elm Hollow Kassidy Highland heifer calf at six months

Kallie’s Lass

Kallie’s Lass was born on November 11, 2021, to one of our veteran coos. Big Ridge Callie, AHCA # 54244, seems to always produce a very social baby that likes to wander the pasture greeting all the other cows and calves. Temperament means a lot when dealing with your fold and Callie passes on a very gentle nature to her babies. Lass is no exception.

Lass’s Sire, BR Voodoo Magic, AHCA # 51522, passed along his length and depth to his daughter. A tiny girl at birth, Lass has gained quickly and grown into a heifer we are very proud of. Her mature size will be on the smaller size of medium framed.

You can almost hear the bagpipes playing when you look at this gal. She has that beautiful rich red coat that dots the Scottish hillsides.

Kallie’s Lass is available with a $4,200 opening bid.

Click the button for more information about Kallie’s Lass, her lineage, more pictures, or to make an offer.

Update: Kallie’s Lass sold for $5,400.

Image of Ink Stamp of The Word Sold
Elm Hollow Farm's Kallie's Lass Highland Heifer calf in pasture


Klondike is my pick of the bulls that I wanted to keep this year, but sometimes we have to realize that just because he is my favorite calf of all times, we really don’t need four bulls at Elm Hollow. So it is with deep regret that I’m offering Klondike for sale.

Klondike’s dam is JHN Denali, AHCA # 48293. She is a beautiful girl and has produced an outstanding calf every time for us. Klondike was no exception.

Klondike has been my snuggle buddy at the end of halter class since day five. I was thrilled to have a calf that young display such complete trust in his human. It will be hard to let this boy go. What a personality!

Klondike’s sire is BR Voodoo Magic, AHCA # 51522. Since your bull is 50% of the genetics of every calf you produce, you want those genetics to be outstanding and you won’t go wrong with this young bull.

Klondike is available with a $3,000 opening bid.

Click the button for more information about Klondike, his lineage, more pictures, or to make an offer.

Update: Klondike sold for $3,500.

Image of Ink Stamp of The Word Sold
Elm Hollow Klondike Highland bull calf at three months


Kade will bring color to your fold. His dam, Windemere Dare, AHCA # 55236, is silver and his sire is dun, which gives great variety to his color genetics. Temperament is excellent from both sire and dam making Kade very easy to work with as we practiced with the halter.

Kade was another top contender for our keeper bull this year. He is an excellent example of correct Highland conformation and very gentle temperament. The only reason we didn’t choose Kade as our keeper this year is that his sire, Big Ridge Fergus, AHCA # 57487, is still young and will not need to be replaced this year.

It’s always difficult to try to predict the mature color of a Highland calf; I keep wavering between red and yellow with Kade. It seems to depend on how bright the sun is.

When my vet met this boy, he said, “You’ll be keeping this one, right? He’s so sturdy and his top line is perfect.” I wish I could keep them all.

With your bull providing half the genetics for each calf you produce, you want those genetics to be outstanding and you won’t go wrong with this young bull.

Kade is available with a $3,500 opening bid.

Click the button for more information about Kade, his lineage, more pictures, or to make an offer.

Update: Kade sold for $5,500.

Image of Ink Stamp of The Word Sold
Elm Hollow Kade as a six-month bull calf


Kelly is turning out to be our sweetest steer so far. We found no flaws in Kelly, but compared to the other bull calves this year, he didn’t gain quite as fast, so we elected to band him and produce a beautiful little steer.

Kelly was born November 15, 2021. His dam PHF Chocolate Pudding, AHCA # 58165, is one of our most docile cows and her easy temperament shows in Kelly’s personality. Kelly’s sire is Big Ridge Fergus, AHCA # 57487.

Kelly will be a great companion to a heifer, bull, or another steer. He has many calf friends in the pasture. He grazes calmly with the heifers and tends to avoid the rough house play with the boys. Kelly is so easy going that he could be that cuddle coo you can nap with in the pasture or the barn.

Kelly is available with a $2,000 opening bid. He can be registered at buyer’s request for $100.

Click the button for more information about Kelly, his lineage, more pictures, or to make an offer.

Update: Kelly sold for $2,800.

Image of Ink Stamp of The Word Sold
Elm Hollow Kelly steer calf head with halter

Kandy Girl

Kandy was born on October 28, 2021. She was a beauty from the start. Her length and depth are outstanding for a calf her age. By four months old, Kandy had all the characteristics of an outstanding cow. She would be my keeper if I was keeping any heifer this year and I’ll probably regret letting her go.

Her dam, Ban Diuc of Legacy, AHCA # 56155, is a stunning cow whose sire was imported to the US from Scotland. Kandy’s sire, Big Ridge Fergus AHCA # 57487, was also sired by a bull that is a direct Scottish import.

If you want true Scottish genetics, this is definitely your girl. I know my opening bid is higher than usual on Kandy, but her value such that it would not break my heart to keep her.

Kandy is available with a $5,500 opening bid.

Click the button for more information about Kandy, her lineage, more pictures, or to make an offer.

Update: Kandy Girl sold for $8,100.

Image of Ink Stamp of The Word Sold
Elm Hollow's Kandy Girl Highland heifer

King of the Hill

Elm Hollow’s King of the Hill is a seven-and-a-half-month-old bull calf. We knew from the start that it was going to be a hard call on which of Magic’s bull calves to retain for our own use this year. This boy was one of the top contenders. The reason we decided on a different calf had nothing to do with conformation or development, but only the lamest of reasons, color. He is in all other ways equal to the bull calf we are keeping as a potential replacement for his sire as Magic’s retirement age approaches.

You can see the length and depth of both sire and dam in this beautiful little bull. Since half of the genetics of every calf produced on your farm comes from the sire, you really need to choose carefully and this would be an excellent choice!

King is available with a $3,500 opening bid.

Click the button for more information about King, his lineage, more pictures, or to make an offer.

Update: King sold for $3,850.

Image of Ink Stamp of The Word Sold
Elm Hollow King of the Hill Highland bull calf


Elm Hollow’s Kodiak is a seven-month-old steer calf who is growing into a handsome boy. I always recommend that if you want a pet, choose a steer. Kodiak has many calf friends in the pasture. We see him grazing calmly with a group of heifers, play fighting with the bull calves, and he loves to run with younger calves. He’ll make a terrific companion for any lonely calf in your fold and I bet that if you’ve ever had a crazy desire to train a Highland to pull a cart or wanted to try your hand at riding a coo, he might be up for that!

Kodiak is available for an opening bid of $2,000.

Click the button for more information about Kodiak, his lineage, and more pictures.

Update: Kodiak sold for $2,500.

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Elm Hollow's Kodiak steer calf


Elm Hollow’s Kamila, AHCA # 63379, is a seven-month-old heifer calf who will be a wonderful brood cow for your herd and add some great color. The minute I saw her, I was very impressed with her straight top line and her rectangular body that has the depth needed for carring calves easily. At first, I thought Kamila was going to be a dark dun, but as she matures, she may be leaning toward black. Sometimes you just have wait and see!

Her sire, Big Ridge Fergus AHCA # 57487 is as gentle and even tempered as her dam GAM Grace Suk (AKA TuTu), AHCA # 58654. TuTu is such a good-natured cow.

Kamila is available for an opening bid of $4,000.

Click the button for more information about Kamila, her lineage, and more pictures.

Update: Kamila sold for $6,400.

Image of Ink Stamp of The Word Sold
Elm Hollow Kamila heifer calf in a field


Elm Hollow’s Kobe, AHCA #pending, is a six-month-old bull calf who was a top contender for our keeper bull this year. Kobe has been a joy to work with since he voluntarily began coming into halter training with the first class of calves. He is another excellent example of correct Highland conformation and very gentle temperament. The only reason we didn’t choose Kobe as our keeper is that his sire, Big Ridge Fergus, AHCA # 57487,  is still young and doesn’t need to be replaced this year.

With your bull providing half the genetics for each calf you produce, you want those genetics to be sound and Kobe’s are about as sound as you can get.

Kobe is available with a minimum offer of $3,500.

Click the button for more information about Kobe, his lineage, and more pictures.

Update: Kobe sold for $3,400.

Image of Ink Stamp of The Word Sold
Elm Hollow Kobe a highland bull calf

Jaunty Lad

Elm Hollow’s Jaunty Lad, AHCA #61493, is a three-year-old bull who was our pick of the bull calves from 2020. His coat is long and straight, with an attractive dun color.

After training from his sire, he has learned to be a proper bull and also proven himself a good sire. We will have some calves from him this fall!

Jaunty Lad’s sire, BR Voodoo Magic has the length, depth, and balance you look for in a bull and he has passed that balance on to Jaunty Lad. This young bull will make a valuable and gentle herd sire.

Jaunty Lad is available with a $3,000 minimum offer.

Click the button for more information about Jaunty Lad, his lineage, more pictures, or to make an offer.

Update: Jaunty Lad sold for $3,400.

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Highland young bull Jaunty Lad

Cinnamon & Just Herb

When GHF Cinnamon, a registered heifer, AHCA #60651, first came to Elm Hollow Farm, she became fast friends with Elm Hollow’s Just Herb. Herb is an unregistered steer, purebred from registered stock and recorded with the AHCA – #U13365.

They have since moved on to a caring, loving home together, but the climate of Southern Alabama seems to be a little too hot and humid for them.

The pair is available with a $5,000 minimum offer.

Click the button for more information about Cinnamon & Herb, and their lineage, more pictures, or to make an offer.

 Update: Herb and Cinnamon have sold for $13,500.

Image of Ink Stamp of The Word Sold
Highland steer and heifer on halters wearing funny reindeer horns in front of porch adorned with Christmas bunting

Please keep browsing our cattle sold in 2021 and prior on our Highland cattle sales archive page.

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