For Sale – Elm Hollow’s Major, AHCA # pending

A perfect companion for your calf or child.

The things we hold as most important when looking for the perfect companion for one of our other calves is an even tempered, gentle soul and Major has demonstrated that from day one. He has calmed his four class mates and seems to be particularly fond of Mayflower since they have been pasture pals since the week they were born.

Halter training is hard. We always expect to spend at least a week getting a calf comfortable enough to allow us to put on the halter, brush out its coat, lead it a short distance, and calmly allow the removal of the halter.

Not a problem for Major. On day one, he was the first in his class of five to have his halter on and stood quietly for his very first comb out. I decided to take a chance and lead him out to get a drink. He followed like a puppy, got a long drink, and lifted his head for me to remove the halter. After class he was the only one to come right up for treats.

This is one I’d love to keep, but we all know that can’t happen. If you’re building a Highland fold and want a quality steer companion that you can safely enter the pasture with, Major is your man. If you’re looking for an easy to handle 4H project for your child, Major is your man. I can’t say enough good things about this calf.

You may wonder why we chose to make Major a steer instead of leaving him as a bull. It was a hard call for this boy. He’s got what it takes, but this year, we made a commitment to concentrate on perfect companion animals. There are many newcomers to the Highland world and the value of a great steer needs to be stressed.

The current Highland market is flooded with young bulls that are low quality and that makes the sale of a really good bull difficult. Major would have been a great herd sire, but he would have been under appreciated as such. I’d much rather he be a beloved companion. (Thanks for putting up with my little rant.)

Because we only register steers that will be shown, Major’s lineage is not online. I’ve included the lineage of both dam and sire below. Major will be registered as a market steer at buyer’s request.

CaitlinRuadh of Legacy's ancestry
WKA Braxton's ancestry

What next?

If you are interested in participating in Major’s sale, please email me at [email protected] and tell me that you will be bidding on Major so I can create an email list of bidders before we begin his sale.

You may submit your opening bid at this time if you wish, but you don’t have to make a bid at this time to be included in the sale. This is like a slow paced auction where you can ask questions about the calf and have time to think before you bid.

I’ll be asking you some questions before the sale begins to see if there might be a calf coming up that I think might be a better fit for you. Feel free to ask me questions as well. We’ll have a total of 19 calves available during this summer and fall.

Major is available for a minimum opening bid of $2,500. The sale is Thursday, June 20, 6:00 pm Eastern Time.

Update: Major sold for $3,000.

Image of Ink Stamp of The Word Sold
Elm Hollow's Major highland steer

Meet Major’s Dad and Mom

WKA Braxton Highland Bull

WKA Braxton, AHCA # 59691

Major’s sire, Braxton, is a very correct, brindle bull with a sweet temperament. He placed 1st in class in the virtual Highland Cattle Show.

CaitlinRuadh of Legacy Highland Cow

CaitlinRuadh of Legacy, AHCA # 56154

Major’s Dam, CaitlinRuadh, is one of our most Scottish and most feminine yellow cows.

Caitlin is a wonderful mother and is never ready to see her babies grow up and leave her side.

Here she is with daughter Lily, who is just as outstanding as her full brother, Major. Lily was almost a year old when we weaned her, but Caitlin still had a hard time letting go. Lily will remain at Elm Hollow and will be a mother herself this fall!

CaitlinRuadh of Legacy with her calf Lily
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